This Number Clique Just Got More Exclusive: Mathematicians Finally Make a Breakthrough on the Ramsey Number

Mathematicians have iterated a new upper-bound limit on a famously elusive math concept: the Ramsey Number

The Ramsey number’s upper bound hasn’t changed since Paul Erdős calculated it in 1935

The Ramsey number involves “cliques” and “anti-cliques,” but this new research used related “books” to make the breakthrough.

In new research that has not yet been peer reviewed, mathematicians have made tiny but important progress on one of math’s thorniest problems: the Ramsey number.

The Ramsey number is part of the field of combinatorics, which studies the “counting numbers” and the different ways to arrange them in groups and other problems. One major example of a combinatorics subfield is graph theory. Aspects of combinatorics also touch many mathematical and other fields, from advanced algebra and geometry to biology and programming.

So why do all these people have their eyes on the prize of the Ramsey number, and what does this new breakthrough mean?

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